November 15, 2024
The Star Wars Encyclopedia is a comprehensive guide to the Star Wars Galaxy. Written by Dan Brooks, Megan Crouse, Kelly Knox, Amy Ratcliffe, Amy Richau, Brandon Wainerdi, Dan Zehr, Adam Bray, Cole Horton, Patricia Barr, Daniel Wallace, Ryder Windham and Matt Jones, this is the latest update to the 2015 & 2019 editions.
This latest edition contains 2000+ entries from the most current Star Wars film and TV series. Including vital information about iconic characters, creatures, locations vehicles and technology from this universe. Also including a foreword from Ahsoka Tano herself, Rosario Dawson.
The book was produced in close collaboration with Lucasfilm, and the most comprehensive reference book for a Star Wars fan. Written by experts and stunningly illustrated the Star Wars Encyclopedia is a must have for any fans of the galaxy far far away...

Star Wars Encyclopedia includes:
Comprehensive histories of 1,200 characters, from icons like the Mandalorian and Gorge to lesser-known individuals like Ochi of Bestoon.
Entries for more than 100 fascinating creatures, including everything from terrifying rancors to adorable porgs.
275 overviews of locations, including the Sith bastion on Exegol and Peridea.
Descriptions for more than 275 vehicles, from the legendary Razor Crest to the Sith Star Destroyer.
Listings of the latest technology, Princess Leia Organa’s lightsaber, and more than 275 other pieces of equipment.