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Discovery of a foreign sound, the town is empty, it is down to two young radio workers to find the truth. The Vast Of Night depicts that exact journey, discovery into the depths of this well kept secret.

Written by Elliot Lines

Purely to set up these characters the first half hour dives into the personalities of the main focus' of the story. Fay is a busy body, somewhat annoying but completely innocent, she wants to get some place, wants to learn and is willing to do so. Everett is a leader of sorts, he likes to be in control but is also willing to give his time to help.

For the majority of the first act this is spent watching these characters in two different locations. But the film has an ability to be able to draw you in to these intriguing conversations, cutting to black to put the focus solely on the dialogue, the stories being told.

There is something more at play here, a cover up of some sorts. The strange things that happen keep getting more and more frequent, provoking our characters to act, investigate further. This is where the film seemingly gathers pace, developing a rushed feel to the overall tone. The town is empty, the camera shots emphasise this, giving these two free reign to go on this journey.

Now the race to find the answer has an end, but the payoff doesn't have much of a lasting effect. It's an inevitable end, but it can't be helped that there could've been a more intelligent and interesting way to bring this film to a more satisfying climax.

With a more fulfilling end 'The Vast of Night' really could've been something. Setting the tone all while gripping your interest throughout, only to let you down in a predictable fashion was a real shame.


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